As soon as the pain of the teleportation faded, and I had made sure that we were all clear of Fallatehr, Fenn came up and wrapped me in a hug. I returned it, trying my best to keep aware of my surroundings at the same time. Teleportation was both painful and disorientating, which meant that […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 65: A Kindred Soul
We separated Grak from Fallatehr, putting both of them one hundred feet away in opposite directions. Fallatehr was downright cheery about it, either because he was legitimately amused by the paranoia we were displaying, or because he knew that what we were doing didn’t make a bit of difference, or possibly as a bluff. “I […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 64: In Which Juniper Stares At His Character Sheet, Again
The interface was different, for a start. It wasn’t controlled by my (nominal) eyes like the other one was, it was all done by thought alone, and I spent a few moments just spinning and panning to a get a feel for it. My soul … was another character sheet, a deeper, more complex one, […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 63: The Chemical History of a Candle
Bumblefuck, Kansas was large enough that our high school offered exactly one computer science elective, and I had taken it the first semester of senior year. I’d just barely completed programming a wildly ambitious game of checkers in BASIC for my final project, earning me my only A for that semester (my grades had never […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 62: Drift
We moved through the prison together, with our party of four at the front. Fallatehr walked in the midst of his quote associates unquote, who formed a tight ring around him. Behind him, the nonanima was being pulled along by the brass manacles around her wrists and the collar wrapping her throat. My eyes kept […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 61: Animus
We didn’t have another major fight, but we did have skirmishes, four of them as we went through the prison trying to find the gymnasium, or failing that, the cell where Fallatehr was kept. Three of those were against the brass creatures, which we mostly dealt with from as far a distance as possible. If […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 60: Aggressive Negotiations
When we came out of the wards, Fenn was standing with her arm around the dirt golem. “Productive conversation?” she asked. “We’ll be staying around here for a little bit,” said Amaryllis, speaking more to the golem than to Fenn. The golem slumped slightly to the side, and Fenn moved away from it. “Unanimous?” asked […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 59: All the Myriad Ways
Moving through the prison following the dirt golem was nerve-wracking. We saw more dirt golems as we walked, usually from a distance, but there were an awful lot of them, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle them as effectively up close, if they trapped us in a hallway. Our golem […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 58: Panopticon
I tried to think about it in terms of tactics. Solace had been versatile, able to switch between control, utility, and being a heavy hitter basically at will. When we’d fought against Larkspur, she’d taken out the majority of men on her own. She had been able to provide healing that far surpassed what I […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 57: Place Your Figs
We entered into Anglecynn by teleportation key, fully armored and geared up for a fight, but we were in the woods that the Penndraig clan sometimes used as hunting grounds, far out of season, and the only creature that marked our arrival was a very surprised bluejay. I spent some time putting a tattoo on […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 56: Vacation Vocations
Skill increased: Parry lvl 20! (Skill can no longer be increased by amateur training.) New Virtue: Prescient Blade! Prescient Blade: You take half the normal penalty to parry bullets, arrows, or other missile weapons. These attacks still do damage to your blade as normal. I was happy to get that one in the course of […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 55: Bond Girl
“Uther had a lot of love interests who died?” I asked. “I mean, he had love interests … in addition to his wife?” “Which version of history do you want?” asked Amaryllis. “I want the truth,” I replied. “I don’t know the truth,” said Amaryllis. “Juniper, you have to understand that this was all five […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 54: Looper
It did feel kind of weird to take a vacation, mostly because none of us had jobs. Actually, Grak had a job, which was as group warder, but for this one week the work he did was keeping the bottle warded against intruders, which was none too arduous. Solace had a vocation, which was as […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 53: A Tiptoe Through the Tulips
“Vervain was far from the first flower mage, but he was the best there ever was,” said Solace. The glass bottle that contained the locus’ domain didn’t have anything so neat and ordered as a garden would imply, but there was a small section that was devoted to Solace’s side business as a flower mage. […]
Worth the Candle, Ch 52: Culmination
“Well, that was fast,” said Amaryllis. I snapped awake and stared at her, standing over us, and realized that I was in bed with Fenn next to me (wearing no pants), resting her head on my chest. Amaryllis was still in her plate, looking tired but pleased with herself. I think ‘wry amusement’ just about […]